Welcome to The Anecdote

You’re a busy person and I don’t want to waste your time, so let’s get right to it.

What exactly is The Anecdote?

Dammit, I knew you’d ask that. And I really wish I had a good answer.

Some readers says it’s the best part of their Saturday morning. A once a week respite, when they grab a cup of coffee, tea, or grain alcohol and immerse themselves in a 800 to 1200 word - sometimes more, usually less - oasis away from a hectic and increasingly unhinged world.

Others say it’s a totally self-indulgent, narcissistic waste of time. I suspect there’s a correlation between this group and their drink of choice [Note: I’m making the drinky drink motion right now].

What it actually is a short personal essay, written from a unique point of view.

In any case, I won’t try to sell you on The Anecdote because, well, first off, I can’t sell, and second, as the reader, it’s ultimately your call.

Instead, I’ll offer you a variation on the cardinal rule of writing - show, don’t tell - and give you the opportunity to decide for yourself.

I’ve linked to couple of pieces at the bottom of this page that capture the essence of what you’ll get when you become a subscriber, which, by the way, is currently free.

Assuming that at least one of them holds your interest past the first few paragraphs, statistically speaking, you should subscribe.

If you do, I have just one request. Read a story you love, please share the hell out of it with your friends, family, and loved ones.

Read a story you hate, share the hell out of it with your nemeses, bêtes noires, and enemies list.

That’s technically two requests, but who’s counting?

Okay, here’s the legalese:

The Anecdote is 100% raw, unfiltered, and aggressively honest. And if you stick around long enough, there’s a good chance that you’ll be offended.

Only venture forward if you’re willing to accept the view of the late great Christopher Hitchens on that subject.

I’ll end by presumptively thanking you for hitting the button just below and becoming a subscriber.

Check out more stories from The Anecdote in our archives.

Subscribe to The Anecdote

Start your weekend with a short respite from a hectic and increasingly unhinged world.


Great dad. Good friend. Lacking husband. Decent trader. Solid drummer. Sometimes funny. Often A-hole. Serviceable writer. Terrible poker player. Book nerd. Too smart. Punk rock. Work in an ice cream shop.